
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Advice: Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook 2014

"Growing up on a _______, with six brothers and sisters, it was drummed into me from an _____ ___ that humility is a ________, and bragging, well… not so much. My parents, both ________ to the core, told us that if we worked hard, and did a good job (at school, in athletics, or elsewhere) we’d be ____________ for our ______ and rewarded accordingly.

For the most part, it was _________ advice. ____, in today’s competitive ____, if your plan to get ahead is based on the assumption that hard work alone will _________, you may find yourself being left behind as the ______  __________ around you land the opportunities you _____ were yours... 
That’s not to say that humility is no longer a virtue. But ____  _______ can leave you languishing. Indeed, there’s a distinct difference between tooting one’s horn to stroke a ____ or insecure ego (which is, after all, why _______ brag) and sharing information that ___________ relevant people about who you are, the ___ you have to offer, and how you’d like to ________  ___ of it."
Quote by:  Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook

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